What a handsome little lad.
So much like your dad.
You were not born bad.
That lie makes Me hopping mad.
It comes from the biggest cad.
I am writing this on a pad.
So you will no longer be sad.
My love, you have always had.,
and it is so much more than just a tad.
Your scared I haven't been listening, Not true!
I hear you and I know how you have been wishing.
So much so, it has become more like you're itching.
You My son, no one is ditching. Your pants you keep hitching.
Thinking it's your turn to do the pitching.
Not yet, hold still and let Me finish stitching.
Right now you're needed more in the kitchen.
First I need to correct your vission.
So you will be prepared for your mission.
Later we will do a little fishing.
Everything has it's sequence.
My plan I will not relinquish.
It breaks My heart to see you so squeamish
Even so, I know your love for me will never deminish.
My brave little man, you are the one that will see My plan to the finish.